What is Digital Church?

Recently, I was talking to my friend Kenny Jahng on Facebook about Digital Church and he asked me a few questions that really got me thinking about why we are building this platform for churches. He asked me what our specialty was, and how Digital Church is different from the other church website solutions that are available. The pastors we work with understand how easy it is to get lost in the weeds. In fact, one of the most important things we do for the clients that we work closely with in Digital Church Agency is to walk them through…

Introducing the Digital Church Blog

Years ago, I was working as a worship pastor in a church in Ohio when I came across Michael Hyatt’s blog and podcast. Around that time, he released a book called Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. In his book, he talked about why it’s so important to Start with Wow. The basic concept was simple: Make sure you can make a great first impression. Start your relationships with a sense of awe. Give people a reason to want to continue to learn more about who you are and what you have to offer. Around the same time, I…

Digital Church Support Center

Your church is only as strong as its ability to serve the people who are a part of it. As a pastor or leader in your church, you understand that. And we at Digital Church will only be as strong as our ability to serve you. So we set out on a major task recently, and that was to fully custom design a support website where you can find all the help you need to build a website or app that will propel your church into digital ministry. Instead of just copying what others have done, we took a holistic…

Free Church Website for 45 Days

In the wake of COVID-19, churches are scrambling to enhance their online presence and provide tools and resources that can keep their people connected, encouraged, and engaged in their faith and church family over the coming weeks. Digital Church is extending our free trial to 45 days. Anyone who signs up on or after March 20, 2020 should automatically receive this update. Anyone who has signed up in the last six weeks is also eligible. Just reach out to us via chat and we’ll get your trial extended. If you are a small church and can’t afford to make those…

How to Engage Your Church During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus has become a really big deal over the last several weeks. There’s no denying that. Churches are expecting low attendance or cancelling their public worship experiences altogether to lead the way in keeping their community safe from the spread of this disease. But then, most churches are left wondering how they’ll keep their organization strong and their people engaged in their faith while public worship gatherings are sent to the back burner. We’ve said for years that “Church isn’t about this building or this hour of your week. The church is you.” But now we have to figure out…

It’s Time to Give Your Church Website An Annual Review!

We’ve all been there… January 1 hits, and we set a New Year’s Resolution. By the end of the first week, we’re already off the wagon. Goals are nothing but dreams until you have a strategy or system to make your goals a reality (Check out Atomic Habits by James Clear). Your church website is one of these systems–a system to achieve specific goals like these: “We want to have more first-time visitors in our church on Sunday.” “We need to be able to communicate details about our upcoming events.” “We need a single place for our people to be…

Is Your Digital Church Website Featured In Our Portfolio?

Everybody likes to feel proud of their hard work, and we have some of the very best clients building some incredible church websites on our platform. It’s time to show them off! We’ve put together some of our very favorite Digital Church Websites on our all-new portfolio page. For now, each of these sites lead directly to the website that’s featured, but in the near future, we’ll begin writing featured articles for some of these sites, allowing you the opportunity to dig into what makes them tick, and maybe see how to do something new on your own website. Some…

Tips for Video Backgrounds

Video backgrounds are a great way to engage potential visitors on your church website. If you produce the video well, it will support the purpose of the page you are including it on while it gives the user an idea of what the in-person experience is like for your organization. Done well, a video background applies leverage to your online strategy. Done poorly, however, it can do damage to your overall strategy. We put together these tips for video backgrounds on your church website. Keep it short. Nobody is going to stick around to watch your video background, so keep…

New Easter Landing Page Template

Great news! We’ve just added an Easter landing page template to the Digital Church Platform! If you’re an existing subscriber, you can create a new page on your current site and import the page template from the templates tab in the page builder. If you don’t already have a Digital Church website, feel free to register a new site and use the Easter at City Church template for your new site. That will automatically import the Easter landing page as your home page. Check out our Easter Landing Page Template All sites on our platform now include an advanced page…

Digital Strategies for Easter

Gallup studies have revealed that over half of the people in the United States will plan to attend church on Easter Sunday. If you haven’t already started to build a digital strategy for Easter Sunday, you should start now. Here’s our list of suggestions to get you started on an Easter strategy to bring more people into your church this year. Start with the End in Mind Let’s make sure we have a clearly defined goal. For most of us, it will be something like this: We want to bring more visitors to our church on Easter Sunday. So the…

How to get great photography for your church website

Church Website Photography Shot List This is our list of suggested photography for your new church website. We provide details and examples of what kinds of shots to look for and how to frame those shots to work best for your website. We’ll go through page by page, so you can reference our demo site to see the photography in action. Home Page The home page is all about the HERO IMAGE. The Hero Image is the first image that people see when they load the site. Your website has no more than 8 seconds to grab a visitors attention…

Digital Church Marketing 2.0

September 2016 seems like a lifetime ago now. I feel like I’ve already said it a thousand times. “Back in September, I quit my job in full-time ministry.” “We helped start a new church back in September.” “Back in September, we started this new business…” “I had to finally take a step of faith, back in September…” You see, I was tired of waiting. Tired of wanting and dreaming. It was time to stop pretending that I was an entrepreneur and time to show the world (and myself) that I could do it. Even more important, it was time to answer…

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